Dockside Ice Cream
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Our Services

Smoothies 2253430 1920


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Snow Cone

Snow Cone

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Pepperoni pizza


    Serving Premium Ice Cream From Cedar Crest!

    Indulge in our premium ice cream service, featuring various delicious flavors with the finest ingredients.

    We offer classic favorites like Chocolate and Vanilla, plus these fun flavors; Mississippi Mud, Mint Mackinac Island Fudge, Shipwreck, WI Cmpfire and many more!

    Our premium ice cream is served in cones or cups. Also, we offer a variety of quality toppings, including hot fudge, sprinkles, and fresh fruit.

    Whether you're in the mood for a single scoop or a sundae, our ice cream service is the perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

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Dockside 1

Call (847) 263-1846 OR (224) 381-7221 for more information about our ice cream flavor availability.

To all our customers, we appreciate your loyalty and support! Every single customer is special and we look forward to seeing you each visit!

*** Seasonal Business Hours: Opening April 13th, 2024! ***

New menu coming soon! Please call us to find out what flavors we currently have available.

To all our customers, we appreciate your loyalty and support! Every single customer is special and we look forward to seeing you each visit!

*** Seasonal Business Hours ***
Opening April 13th, 2024!

New menu coming soon! Please call us to find out what flavors we currently have available.

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